So a lot of things have happened since we last talked!
Christmas happened! I got a video camera (, a pretty rad lady blazer, and a couple other super neat things.
What'd you get?! NEAT!
New Years happened! I told people that I resolved to "stop waiting" which tricks them into thinking I made a real life-changing deal with myself, but is vague enough to mean anything I need it to mean. So it could mean "stop waiting until the night before to do your essays" but it also could mean "stop waiting until after your homework to watch another season of ANTM" when left up to one's interpretation.
Other things that happened: I fell in love with Patrick Bateman, I pimped out Backdoor Comedy's tumblr, OH AND I WATCHED THE SHERLOCK PREMIERE.
Anyway. There is so much I could talk to you about. But today I'm going to talk to you about nothing. More specifically my lack of doing anything.
For example, I tried to write this post for about 2 days before I actually sat down and wrote it. Before that it was a "new tab" that I had up to feel the possibility of productivity while I rewatched Grace Helbig videos.
I recently made a pact with a great friend of mine to become "Better People". We filled an entire looseleaf page with items that would make us "better". Some being simple things that we should already be doing like "Get up before noon. Every Day," and "Make your bed". Others are more complex and a little scary like "Take more risks" or "Talk to more people".
I've made similar resolutions every year since Freshman year of HS.
So do I really think this time will be any different?
Well, I'm gonna tell you a secret. I made another resolution that I didn't tell people. I told myself to Commit. One thing I've learned from improv, is that if you don't commit, it wont work. If you have one leg out the door as you do a character or say a line, you will lose the audience. Letting other people know that you dont believe in yourself 100% at all times is NEVER not a weakness.
So to answer my own question: Of course!
Of course this time will be different. I've got a friend. I've got role models. I've got stuff to do.
There is not a single chance that I won't be a better person at the end of 2014. Not a chance that I won't love every second of it. Not a chance in hell that this won't be the best year of my life yet.
Happy 2014, friends!
I'll be seeing you soon.
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